Film Making Workshop

Film making is a long process and it is not easy to teach everything within a week or so, but taking into consideration, the time and the money involved; we have worked out a small but effective course that will teach you digital film making.
While saying this we don’t say that you will start creating blockbuster movies, but yes, you will surely come to know what film making is all about and you will be able to independently produce and direct at least short films.
We will be conducting workshops in various parts of India depending on the number of students joining for the workshop.
Our minimum requirement for doing the course economically is around 20 students.
We will be dividing the team on basis of their interest in
1. Script Writing
2. Direction
3. Cinematography
4. Editing
5. Acting
Each team will have to make a film after the course ends. Which means your course will end but your association with us won’t. We will be providing you a course certificate by the end of your project. But we believe that your
diploma film should talk about your abilities more than the certificate.
The Course Preview of our Film Making Workshop is as follows.
- Understanding the Process of Film Making
- Before starting the film
- How to prepare for the shoot
- The right crew required
- Selection of Equipments
- On Location Problems and Solutions
- Benefits of Digital Film Making.
- Video Camera, DSLR and Digital Cine Camera
- Types of Shots, Angles and Camera Movements.
- Basics of Lighting Knowhow ( Indoor and Outdoor )
- Basics of Shooting Lights ( HMI, PAR, Solar, Baby, Kino, LED, Multi etc )
- Creative Lighting and Shots.
- Colour Temperature and its effects
- Creating Depth and Cinematic looks
- Studio and Field sound Recording techniques.
- Film Producing, Distributing and Exhibiting.
- Censorship guidelines
- Film festivals