About Us
Our Story
We help to publish your stories ; that you may have written for films, short films, documentaries or biopics, as a book and present it to film makers. You can even sell it online and get 100% royalty for your books.
The concept is simple.To get your story to reach the world before anyone steals it. Even if they do, you get credit for being the first one to have given the idea. What’s more, you will earn revenue through the books sold online. We promote the writers and the books on social media.

Our Mission
To provide opportunities to the budding and creative writers and open avenues to film makers across the world to slect the kind of films they want to make.
Our Vision
To be the biggest resource for the best stories and scripts for the movies, web series and everything to do with the entertainment industry and to protect the interests of the creative writers.
Core Values
Honesty, Sincerity towards the writers and their creativity